HomeArticleThe Top 5 Cloud Trends in 2022

10 May 2022

The Top 5 Cloud Trends in 2022

The rapid growth of cloud computing can be seen everywhere across the globe. In Asia Pacific, Indonesia is expected to be one of the leading countries in terms of growth of cloud services investment. According to Bisnis Indonesia, the cloud industry in Indonesia is expected to grow 30% by the end of 2022. The Chairman of Cloud Association Hosting Indonesia (ACHI) supported the statement by mentioning that the growth rate has occurred constantly every year.

What can we expect from the growth of cloud computing this year? What cloud trends should we anticipate? Let’s take a closer look at five cloud trends we should watch out for in 2022.

Hybrid clouds continue to gain more popularity.

In 2022, we’ll see more hybrid cloud deployment. Leveraging the benefits of both public and private clouds, hybrid clouds have become a solution for businesses that seek for more flexibility in their cloud arrangement.

With hybrid cloud deployment, users can conveniently move workloads between private and public clouds based on their needs. Data that needs to be quickly and frequently accessed can be kept on a public cloud and easily retrieved through tools, applications, and dashboards. Meanwhile, more sensitive or mission-critical data can be kept on a private cloud where access can be limited and monitored.

AI continues to become a trend in all life aspects with the help of the cloud.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its subsets, such as machine learning, image recognition, and natural language processing, has been widely implemented in all aspects of life. Cloud computing has played a role in providing the computing power required for a successful AI application.

In 2022, AI and the cloud will continue to be a powerful duo. The development and evolution of AI and the cloud has always been closely intertwined, and we will see more advancements this year coming from both ends.

Serverless computing, which is cloud-based, receives more attention.

First introduced by AWS through AWS Lambda, serverless computing is a relatively new concept that is starting to gain popularity. The technology, which is also known as “functions-as-a-service”, allows businesses to build and run applications or websites without having to think about managing and operating the server.

However, serverless computing isn’t really serverless. The servers are still there, but the service adds another layer of abstraction between users and the platform, so users don’t have to get involved with configurations and technicalities. In 2022, serverless computing will be a popular alternative for companies that seek to innovate by developing new applications but don't have the time, resources, and budget for new infrastructure.

Cloud computing complements edge computing, and vice versa.

Edge computing brings data processing (collection, storage, and analysis) closer to data sources, reducing latency and power consumed by edge devices. Edge computing is the technology behind smart devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches, and smart cars. 

Although it was considered a threat to cloud computing, edge computing has proven to actually complement the cloud. Edge computing processes time-sensitive data, while cloud computing handles the rest. In 2022, the collaboration between cloud and edge computing will be more common, creating an environment that supports the IoT.

Containerization becomes a part of the services offered by cloud providers.

The growth of containers will be one of the key cloud computing trends in 2022. Containers provide a more compact and agile way to deploy and manage applications in the cloud. With containers, application workloads can run across different clouds, including a hybrid environment.

As cloud-native technologies move to the front of modern businesses’ IT strategy, we’ll see more container implementation. Moreover, major cloud providers, like AWS, have been providing a wide range of containerization services. In 2022, more cloud providers will provide containers as one of their services.

Have you adopted the cloud? Learn how neuCloud can help grow your business here https://mycarrier.telkom.co.id/cloud-data-center/cloud/neucloud-special-section or contact our Whatsapp at +62 82147494005!

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