HomeArticleBest Practice in CPaaS To Be Considered

02 October 2020

Best Practice in CPaaS To Be Considered

For many companies, CPaaS is a natural step forward for the implementation of their communication technology and digital transformation.

It is convenient, cost-effective, and most importantly provides freedom to connect new tools to your existing technology.

IDC predicts that CPaaS value will reach $10.9 billion. While based on Frost and Sullivan study, 67% of people plan to increase their level of investment in CPaaS, or at least maintain their existing investment.

Learning from best practices from different industries, businesses can better understand the scenarios on how CPaaS can benefit their business.

Safeguarding fi0cial information and protecting privacy with two-factor authentication (2FA) in fi0cial industry

Fi0ce industry runs on client trust, because not only it handles client assets, but also sensitive data. CPaaS technology can help fi0cial institutions to manage and secure their customers’ information through the critical tools that include two-factor authentication (2FA). 

This feature will enable fi0cial institutions to safeguard fi0cial information and protect privacy. This technology will allow banking and fi0cial organizations to send protected group SMS about account information and transactions without fear of the message getting intercepted.

Automatic calls or send messages for appointment reminders in healthcare industry

Health Management Technology reports that the healthcare system loses nearly $150 billion annually due to missed appointments. 

This is where implementing CPaaS in healthcare companies can make a huge difference. With CPaaS healthcare organizations can send automated reminders with relatively little effort. 

Not only that, this technology can also be used to handle long-distance and taking care of patients virtually. It is very helpful for high demand healthcare services, especially during a crisis and pandemic such as COVID-19, in which reducing face to face interaction can reduce the risk of spreading of the virus.

Market and incentivize existing customers via text and email for retail industry

Retail is one the industries in which CPaaS can bring diverse benefits. The nature of this industry is very dependent on the contextual and targeted communication with individual shoplers. 

CPaaS can be used for a direct messaging system in which companies can access customers' shopping history, therefore providing accurate recommendations for the next purchase that will help businesses to generate more revenue. 

CPaaS can also be used to increase customers loyalty, by sending personalized messages, including discount or location based promotion. CPaaS can help retailers build brand loyalty and improve their customer services.

CPaaS’s flexibility and scalability make it very useful to be implemented in various different industries. 

Not only for fi0cial institutions, healthcare organizations, or retail companies, CPaaS can be utilized in other industries based on your requirement. 

Based on a research from Frost and Sullivan, in which they surveyed 1,695 decision makers, they found that 81% of companies had already deployed some kind of CPaaS technology. 

According to ALE, around 85% of companies say that CPaaS have helped them to connect differently with processes, people, and things than they did five years ago. 

Implementing CPaaS Indonesia, you can create more effective communications between your team and with your beloved customers.

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