HomeArticleData Center Infrastructure Components

15 October 2020

Data Center Infrastructure Components

Data centers consist of some components to storing, processing, and distribute a huge amount of data. those components are not only about computing devices but also the other complementary aspect. Here are the 14 components of the data center infrastructure:


We use the Rack to put the hardware of the data center. The placement of this Rack should save some spaces for the cabling system, cooling system, and/or the air circulation to prevent the overheat.


Commonly, the data center has several internet cable connections provided by some resources.

The Building

Data Center needs a building located nearby the electricity, good networking, and other physical infrastructure such as a road to help the employee or other officer mobility to the data center. 


Usually, the machine in the data center has electricity power redundancy. the power backup like generator or solar panel in the data center is a common backup power

Cabling system

The utilization of a cabling system is for connecting the data center to the power resource, network, and other devices. Raised floor method is a common method in the data center to facilitate cable access.

UPS (Uninterruptible power source system)

The UPS will protect the data center from the power outage or unstable power supply.

Environment Controller

The environment controller relates to the overheat prevention. some aspects of the controller are air conditioner, ventilation, humidification, and dehumidification.

Fire Protector

Data center infrastructure should provide the smoke detector plus the fire extinguisher.

Meet-me Room

Meet-me Room (MMR) is a location for connecting or doing cross-connect among the server. whether it's from the rack to the connectivity or rack to rack.


Security in the data center facility should be on the top priority. Therefore, integrating the manpower and CCTV or other technology will enhance the security in the data center environment.

Network Operating Center

it is a room for the operational staff to administrating, monitor, maintain, and securing the data center. this is the frontline to do risk and accident management.

Staging Room

The staging room is a room for the testing procedure before the users installing their device to the data center. 

Working Room

The working room is the user's working area in the data center infrastructure. This room consists of working devices, an internet connection, and a little pantry for making some drinks and snacks.

Network Entrance Room (NER)

The NER is a hosting room for transmission device and active device that belongs to other license operators (OLO) and network access point (NAP).

These 14 components are the common components in the data center infrastructure. Stay safe and obey the health protocols in this pandemic situation.

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