HomeArticleDigital Citizenship Indonesia, Can It Improve Security Literacy?

10 November 2022

Digital Citizenship Indonesia, Can It Improve Security Literacy?

The term digital citizenship, perhaps still unfamiliar to some of us. Let's peel it off here, what is digital citizenship really!

The concept of digital citizenship, aka digital citizenship, is increasingly emerging along with the rapid development of information technology and the internet, supported by the existence of various network sites. Hundreds of millions of people in different parts of the world today rely on the existence of networking sites as a forum for personal digital interaction. The rapid development of the use of the internet and network sites in Indonesia, at least as evidenced by the increasing number of people adopting technology, raises its own issues in terms of digital citizenship.

In this context, digital citizenship refers to the quality of individual behavior when interacting in cyberspace, especially in social networks, through responsible behavior in accordance with applicable norms and ethics. Digital citizenship refers to the ability to direct and monitor behavior in the use of technology, including safety, ethics, norms, and culture.

People who have a complete understanding of digital citizenship, in parallel, will also have good cybersecurity literacy. We can use information technology safely without harming or endangering the safety of ourselves or others. On the other hand, we communicate in social networks while still paying attention to ethics with reference to internal, national and global norms.

Of course, being a healthy and dignified digital citizen does not happen by itself and there is an educational process required. We must learn how to properly access various information through the Internet and how to communicate civilly on the network sites they access.

Of particular concern recently, Microsoft's Digital Civility Index Report (a survey that measures the level of digital civility that internet users around the world have when communicating and interacting in cyberspace) points to the fact that Indonesia is at the bottom, with a DCI value that is 8 points  lower than the previous value (as of 2020).

The low value of DCI Indonesia was immediately proven shortly after Microsoft published its findings. Microsoft's social media accounts were flooded with criticism and other profanity from Indonesian netizens, forcing Microsoft to close the comment section. It seems as if the Indonesian people have completely forgotten all the ethical values that exist in the physical space when interacting in cyberspace.

Communication via text on digital devices, loss of ethics and decency that usually appears in physical space. Why does this happen? One of the reasons is that many Indonesians do not fully understand how to be a good digital society.

Let's proceed together towards a better digital citizenship. Remember that good digital citizenship not only makes cyberspace more convenient and secure, but also empowers you to embrace and thrive in this new world.

Cybersecurity and digital social ethics are the basic foundations for building a safe and comfortable cyber world in Indonesia, so public awareness of this needs to be raised. Let's consult the issue of digital citizenship and cybersecurity in your organization with Telkom DWS!

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