HomeArticleEdge Data Center: Definition & Benefits

27 September 2023

Edge Data Center: Definition & Benefits

Edge Data Center: Definition & Benefits

As times progress, you have also felt that the internet can no longer be separated from our lives. From the learning process, working, shopping, all aspects of our lives are connected to the Internet.

Moreover, based on survey results from the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in 2022, there are now more than 210 million Internet users throughout Indonesia. It is making the internet one of our nation's primary needs. This must be supported by adequate infrastructure to facilitate everyone, even in remote areas. That's why edge data centers can be one solution.

In this article, we will discuss what an edge data center is and why an edge data center is a solution for internet development in Indonesia.

What is an Edge Data Center?

Edge data center is a system breakthrough that speeds up all data transfer processes. Where the edge data center is created close to data sources such as the Internet of Things (IoT) network, with this placement, the cloud computing process and cache to end user can be done more quickly.

Implementing an edge data center also provides many other benefits for its users, such as lower latency, better operational costs, and much more. This is a solution for the large number of internet users throughout Indonesia.

Benefits of Using Edge Data Center

Here are some main reasons for using edge data centers for those curious.

    1. Lower Operational Costs

Utilizing edge data centers in several locations can reduce operational costs for companies.

    2. Lower Latency

As has been said, the computer processing speed will be lower with the data center close to the processing machine. In addition, with this processing speed, edge data centers enable lower latency by reducing data transmission from the cloud to end-user devices.

    3. Lower Risk of Data Leakage

One of the advantages of an edge data center is the use of security devices that are more sophisticated than ordinary data centers. In this way, the data in the edge data center is safer from leaks.

    4. Lower Risk of System Failure

Using several edge data centers in different locations can reduce the risk of system failure. In addition, if something happens at the edge of the data center, only a few end-users near the data center will be affected.

Indonesia's Best Edge Data Center – NeuCentrIX

With the growing need for edge data centers in Indonesia, companies will emerge to participate in Indonesia's development. One of the best edge data center providers in Indonesia that is already present is NeuCentrIX.

NeuCentrIX has several primary services, such as CDN, Cloud Service, OLO, OTT, and many more. Not to mention that with 21 locations spread throughout Indonesia, of course, NeuCentrIX can be your company's leading solution.

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