HomeArticleEmpathetic Interaction through Messaging

31 August 2020

Empathetic Interaction through Messaging

Empathetic interaction is a way to connect with your customers in precise moments and in exact places by giving them information, alerts, experiences and engagement that is beneficial for them, so that they can see the value and be thankful for. Based on a report by Harvard Business Review, empathy has become more important to a successful business than it has ever been, correlating to growth, productivity, and earnings per employee. But to deliver empathetic interaction through SMS A2P, businesses need to understand the current situation of each of their customers and then deliver messages and information that might make them happy at a precise moment. Timing, context, detail and personalization in sending SMS is very crucial to transform your simple text messages to your customers into an empathetic interaction that will boost customer experience and loyalty.

Develop personal relationships with your customers

Investing in personal relationships with customers is a great way to attract loyal customers who keep coming back for more and become your advocate. Empathy, understanding and the ability to be in touch with customers’ thoughts and emotions in their moments of need is the key to personal interactions. To win your customers’ loyalty, you can use SMS A2P to send welcoming, timely, personalized, caring, and mutually beneficial messages that will brighten their day. Sending a text message thanking your customers for their purchase and offer them discounts next time they come back to your store or sending your customers a message reminding them to book an appointment with the choice of potential timeslots can be some good ways to develop personal relationships using SMS A2P as a tool.

Ensure time-critical and high-priority tasks run smoothly

Customers appreciate the effort from the businesses to keep them in the loop, especially for ensuring activities that are time-critical and high-priority run smoothly. SMS A2P can provide you with automated features where you can communicate to your customers about the status of their deliveries, authentication and post-sales support. Being transparent in the process will make your customers respect you even more. Not only that, SMS is also an efficient way to contact high volumes of people at once, keeping them in the loop in real-time if there is a last-minute change.

Give customers the opportunity to express themselves

Empathetic interaction can be achieved by providing your customers with an opportunity to express themselves when they most wanted to. With 95% of text messages being read within three minutes of receiving them, SMS is a great way to listen to your customers’ voices. Club Mahindra, for example, has successfully improved its customer feedback response rates of 140% since switching from email to text. Not only will this make you closer with your customers, learning from customers’ feedback will also provide you the opportunity to react immediately to any negative feedback, therefore improve your customer experience.

Developed correctly, A2P SMS Indonesia will provide you with the flexibility and scalability you need to interact with customers in an immediate and timely manner. Anticipating what your customer needs, and providing it at exactly the right moment is the essence of a fantastic customer experience. And with the data from CEQUENS Editorial Team shows that 74% of people reporting an improved impression of businesses that use SMS to communicate with them, SMS is clearly a communication channel that customers actually love and will likely thank you for it.

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