HomeArticleIntegrating SMSA2P into IoT Solutions

18 May 2021

Integrating SMSA2P into IoT Solutions

The rise of over-the-top (OTT) communications platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram or LINE have not resulted in the death of SMS. Indeed, people have ceased using SMS for personal correspondence.

Yet, while people living in areas with strong internet connections have been relying more on OTT platforms to connect to each other, we should not forget that some regions are still yet powered with strong internet connection and infrastructure.

The SMS can fill this gap as it remains the only communication medium which still operates on any cellular-enabled device, on every network with high transparency on delivery status. furthermore, SMS also works in areas of weak radio reception and when a device is roaming. Simply put, the SMS transcends different gadget models and can reach people in areas unreachable with the OTT platforms, which rely heavily on internet connection.

Putting all the infrastructural advantages of the SMS mentioned above aside, we must also take into account that on the users’ side, they tend to open their SMS more than the messages sent on other platforms: the SMS has a more than 90 percent open rate.

No wonder, recently, SMS has made a comeback as a communication platform of choice among brands and governments to broadcast information, from promotional materials to public service announcements. Various websites and applications have also turned to SMS to send users one-time passwords (OTP) upon logging in or making transactions to secure their activities online.

This shift in how SMS is being used, from private correspondence to a more business matter, is thanks to the peer-to-peer (P2P) and application-to-person (A2P) solutions. The solutions also allow businesses or any other public entities to easily send messages in bulk to cater to their public information activities. Furthermore, the P2P and A2P platforms also help these entities to integrate their SMS activities with other communication platforms that they run, like website chat boxes or business WhatsApp accounts. 

The cool thing is, when integrated with the internet-of-things (IoT), the SMSA2P technology can give more benefits to brands (for promotional activities) and governmental institutions (for public service ads) alike to fill the connectivity gap mentioned above. How so? Let’s explore this issue here.

Best use cases of SMSA2P in IoT operations

In this case, the most promising SMSA2P—IoT application synergy might lie in sending notifications and alerts to users. Nowadays, we see the label “smart” attached to many different objects and nouns: smart homes, smart offices, smart cities—which refer to the automation and integration of various management elements of these settings using the IoT. 

The main rationale of using IoT to run these things is to make it more convenient for people to manage their homes and offices and increase remote monitoring and control over these places. For instance, a smart home IoT device can send fire alert home residents who are away on a holiday based on information sent via their smoke detector. 

Smart cars can also send quick alerts to owners regarding the most recent vehicle status through SMS. This can help owners foresee possible mechanical troubles and remember to perform certain mainte0ce on the car to prevent unnecessary glitches while being on the road.

Apparently, SMSA2P still can be a great supplement to IoT operations because the “traditional” features and functions of SMS can actually complement the sophistication of IoT.

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