HomeArticleLocation Target Based Communication for Better Efficiency

22 September 2020

Location Target Based Communication for Better Efficiency

According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, today, there are 5.22 Billion people that have a mobile device in the world. This means that 66.83% of the world’s population has a mobile device. Statista predicts substantial growth in the number of mobile device users to 7.33 billion by 2023. People spend more time daily on their mobile devices now than any other media. Based on Ericsson, consumers now spend 3 hours 43 minutes daily on their mobile devices and by 2021, the daily mobile time is expected to reach 3 hours and 54 minutes. This number is bigger than the time-spending on TV, as eMarketer stated that people only watch television for 3 hours and 35 minutes daily.

The growth in mobile usage and daily mobile time show that targeting mobile device users as a marketing strategy will help you effectively engage with your customers. Location-based marketing is using data on mobile device users’ current or past locations to display relevant content to them. According to the MarTech Series, around 83% of companies say they can run more successful campaigns when they use location data. Some of the key benefits of location-based marketing include location targeting, data offerings, enhanced targeting and improve return on investment.

Quick and simple results at a good price

Location-based communication is relatively cost-effective compared to other marketing and advertising tools. It can help you get quick and simple results at a good price. SMS campaigns are typically charged on a per-message basis, with a pricing table that decreases with volume. This means that you can send thousands of text messages for relatively little cost. Using location-based SMS technology, you can reach out to a wider audience and effectively get the word out about your business.

Better way to understand customers' behavior

Implementing location-based communication through SMS A2P will make your marketing campaign more effective. Location-based text is a great way to bring together all the data you have on customers to encourage the behavior that you want. Using visitation, audience, and trade area data, you can obtain crucial information and get deep insight to better understand your customers’ shopping behavior. Data precision will lead to smarter marketing decisions and allow you to personalize your campaign and make better sales conversion and improve the return of investment.

Offer real-time incentives and attract new customers

With location-based text, companies can send promotional messages to customers when they pass the stores. It can improve customer loyalty by giving them real-time reward and incentives by pinpointing customers who respond to their location-based marketing efforts. Not only that, using a location-based SMS can help you acquire new customers by giving them helpful advice and suggestions to raise your brand awareness and improve conversion and purchase decisions.

Location-based communication using SMS A2P Indonesia can help you connect more deeply with your customers and persuade more of them to visit stores and therefore increase sales. Not only to win customers, location-based text can improve customer relationships. It is cost effective, provides insightful data, and allows you to better understand what your customers need and help you deliver better customer engagement and provide real value for your company.

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