HomeArticleSeeing the Development of the Internet of Things in Indonesia

09 November 2022

Seeing the Development of the Internet of Things in Indonesia

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the technologies that is widely used by many people and companies. Do you also see the development of the Internet of Things in Indonesia? Or have you also implemented IoT in your daily needs and in your business?

The State Cyber and Password Agency (BSSN) stated that in 2021 the number of Internet of Things (IoT) users is more than that of connected Smartphone users. This is supported by Anton Setiyawan, as Director of Digital Economy Protection of BSSN, that the development of IoT in 2021 is getting more and more widespread.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with IoT, simply put, IoT can be understood as the concept of all kinds of devices connected to the internet connected to one another. The treason of IoT devices in Indonesia occurred in 2018, with various devices such as smartwatches.

The development of IoT is also supported by the Indonesian government. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) together with the Indonesian Internet of Things Association (ASIOTI) held the IoT Creation 2022 Program, which is a program that we carry out in the context of searching, debriefing, and encouraging the formation of local startups that focus on developing IoT devices and solutions.

With the implementation of the program which has entered its 4th year, it is hoped that there will be an acceleration in the implementation of IoT-based solutions with education to market and community potential, competence, and improving the quality of human resources (HR) in the IoT field.

The Director General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Informatics (SDPPI) also said that IoT development is the focus of the Ministry of Communication and Information. It is stated that IoT is one of the solutions in integrating devices and applications to solve typical problems faced by the community through a touch of customization based on the context of locality.

For example, in agricultural problems, IoT developed in Indonesian agriculture has specificity, adapting to rainfall, tropical climate and also soil conditions. This makes IoT one of the solutions for Indonesian agriculture that requires customization.

In the health sector, IoT can help monitor blood pressure, pacemakers. In the military sector, IoT can be put in technologies such as drones for territorial surveillance of Indonesian territory. If previously many industries carried out activities manually, it is hoped that with the presence of IoT, many business sectors in Indonesia are ready to enter the industrial revolution 4.0. Especially with IoT customization, logistics problems, financial industry, manufacturing, and others can be solved.

We can also see the development of the Internet of Things in IOT Creation 2022 where the main series of activities have very important ones, namely empowering, smart solution hunts, and recognition awards, which also represent the spirit of the government. With each series of activities, it is expected that the participants of IoT Creation 2022 will receive direct training and online mentoring, until they are given a challenge to provide IoT modules to be assembled into an IoT solution to be included in the competition.

The potential for IoT development in Indonesia is still very high. This can be seen in the last report, it is estimated that Indonesia's IoT adoption growth per year is above 15% CAGR until 2025. IoT adaptation in Indonesia is currently dominated by several sectors, especially for the consumer good sector, solutions for smart homes dominate. While in corporations or businesses, IoT is widely used in smart buildings and smart offices, then smart manufacturing which is certainly related to existing industrial companies.

Is your company interested in developing business efficiency by using IoT? You can rely on Telkom DWS as a partner who understands technological developments, including IoT. Contact us immediately!

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