HomeArticleMSIGHT: Telco Big Data Solution for Your Business

27 April 2021

MSIGHT: Telco Big Data Solution for Your Business

As part of its support for Indonesia’s digital transformation in the advent of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Telkomsel continues to develop its Mobile Consumer Insight (MSIGHT) solution to the public. MSIGHT in particular focuses on telco big data services, which are operated by Telkomsel on a business-to-business (B2B) basis with industries, including startup companies and government institutions, through the support from Telkom DWS.

According to Telkomsel Data Insight and Interface Services Development Vice President, Mia Melinda, MSIGHT seeks to add value to government institutions and various industrial sectors like fi0cial service, transportation, e-commerce, retail, digital, advertising and many more, by boosting its capability in technological partnership.

How MSIGHT can add value to industries and government institutions

Big data can be used for various business and public service purposes. Big data is able to monitor changes in central visitor traffic, classify consumers based on certain profiles, gauge consumers’ digital behavior, map out consumers’ cross-location movement patterns as well as their attitude toward certain products and services.

Thus, MSIGHT’s various products, comprising risk insight, mobility insight, lifestyle insight and API marketplace, offer various benefits for business players, covering the grounds of marketing communication, business intelligence and risk assessment.

The risk insight product line focuses on analyzing customers’ fi0cial risk profiles via credit score and location score products. Mobility insight, meanwhile provides insights on customers’ movement patterns, when they are moving about or staying in particular spots. This insight is represented by a skyscraper profiler. Lifestyle insight, meanwhile, focuses on customers’ demographics and interests, represented by syndicated insight. Finally, API marketplace comes in API telco and non-telco, both of which can be managed directly by the client. 

Privacy assurance

If you’re ever worried about the fate of your data privacy under such data insight system, do not worry, as MSIGHT will be able to manage the big data information that Telkomsel has gathered anonymously and in an aggregate. By doing these processes efficiently, MSIGHT turns the raw data into information and insight, which is renewed on a regular basis.


Telkomsel’s strength in big data provision lies in its prominent customer base: it has 178 million users representing the majority of internet data users throughout Indonesia. In addition, 99% of populations in Indonesia have access to Telkomsel network coverage; with 85+% for 3G coverage and 80+% 4G coverage. With these advantages, The Indonesian Statistics Agency (BPS) and the National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas) for instance have trusted the MSIGHT’s solution to help them conduct their macroeconomics research studies more efficiently.

In the years to come, MSIGHT’s analytics prowess will only get better, catering to the needs of various sectors and purposes.

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