HomeArticleSMS Marketing Doesn’t Suck: How It Help Your Business

08 June 2021

SMS Marketing Doesn’t Suck: How It Help Your Business

SMS is one of the many ways of communication. About 15-20 years ago, SMS was popular and utilized by the company to engage with customers. 

In the digital era, do you think SMS marketing is old news? Even though SMS marketing is one of the old digital marketing tools, it can be utilized until now.

When digital marketers utilize social media advertising, activate SEO, and send internet marketing, they spread the promotion for the wide people. 

SMS marketing service can not be replaced because this tool makes it more possible to communicate with your customer directly and personally, even though you send bulk text messages through SMS marketing service.

SMS marketing services is a service that makes you send your business promotion or advertisement to your customers. In the marketing strategy, you need to spread the common message to your customers for the first time to make them notice about your products or services. 

If you utilize SMS marketing for the first time, you can use bulk SMS marketing. Bulk SMS marketing is mass communication that allows businesses owners or marketer to engage with their customers' database via mobile phone. Before utilizing these things, you can craft your engaging text message that makes them respond to your SMS.

Utilizing SMS marketing services is still used by companies. It can be for alerts, reminders, confirmations, one-time password for bank account, two-factor authentication, etc. More than that, there are many benefits utilizing SMS marketing for your business.

Here, some benefits and tips on how to improve your business with SMS marketing.

1. Instant Engagement or Impact

Communicating with customers directly can be used through email marketing or SMS marketing, but SMS marketing just needs a quick time to reach the recipient. Customers can open the messages instantly on SMS rather than emails. When people think emails are so formal, SMS with informal and personal text can get instant attention. 

You can add a simple call to action such as a reply with code number or “Y” for yes and “N” for no. The system from SMS marketing service can generate the customers' response and reply feedback based on their texts.

2. Customizable Campaigns

Bulk SMS marketing allows you to make a customized campaign based on your customers categories. You can give different offers for the loyal customers or new customers. It can make your new customers become loyal customers and keep your business in loyal customers' minds. 

SMS marketing allows the user to detect the location of a customer's phone. It can help you to send the promotion to make them remember and shop in your store when they are near you.

3. Integrate With Another Marketing Channel

If you have new content or a new offer on your website, SMS marketing can utilize it to spread the promotion. You can increase the website traffic or social media engagement. From clicks, you can track how many users come from your SMS marketing. 

Integrating communication channels or omnichannel marketing can make your business more professional and help your business to stay in the customer's top of mind, as they can see your brand or products everywhere. 

4. Effective Strategy

Instead of sending the message one by one, you just need one click to send the message to multiple recipients. It can reduce the text error and make your message look professional. The personalized message from the marketing strategy can make your communication more effective.

5. Cost-Effective

Not only can you make your time more effective, but it has benefits for your cost. You only need to pay a service subscription based on the package and you can stop it whenever you want.

With the benefits, Telkom DWS offers SMS Marketing to increase your business. SMS Marketing not only for the big companies, but it can accelerate the startups with this strategy. 

Not only for marketing programs, but you can consider SMS marketing services as a tool to communicate with your customers and part of branding strategy, especially if you consider omnichannel marketing.

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