HomeArticleSecure Your Data with Cloud and Data Center Infrastructure

09 November 2022

Secure Your Data with Cloud and Data Center Infrastructure

Data is essential for the tech industry. But, without good security, it can be stolen. The main aim of developing internet services is for easy data transfer. In the past, companies had their own small data centers where they would store their data and run servers. However, now there is the availability of immense cloud computing and data center infrastructure that makes this much better. 

The cloud offers better security and multi-factor authentication, making hacking much harder. Data centers also have good infrastructure to improve data transmission, management, and storage. This article takes you through some significant data threats and vulnerabilities and how businesses use data centers and cloud infrastructure to avoid them. 

Common Data Threats and Vulnerabilities 

Data security is frequently the most difficult to detect and manage with data security. Some businesses spend money on staff training to expect that a knowledgeable workforce, conscious of the fiscal and social repercussions of cyber security breaches, will be sufficient to boost vigilance and discourage shoddy security procedures. 

In reality, corporations frequently only need one irresponsible employee to cause a catastrophic security incident. The risk of hostile insiders and unhappy employees who seek to harm a company's brand or steal data when leaving a company is also a constant possibility.

Apart from that, some of the most common data threats and vulnerabilities companies experience. 

● Hacking: This is one of the most common ways data can be interfered with. It involves unauthorized access to data by altering a data storage system. Hackers obtain access to networks or systems in several ways, some as complex as changing a program's encryption, while others are as simple as guessing a user's passcode or placing a keystroke logger.

● Data leakage: It is a vulnerability involving data transfer to unauthorized destinations. 

● Malware: Malware interrupts computer processes, collects confidential material, or gets access to a network system to jeopardize data and information. Security software and firewalls are typically utilized to keep viruses off of devices. Malware can take the form of viruses, bugs, adware, rootkits, key-loggers, and DDoS, but it can also be any software that functions against the needs of the system administrator.

● Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): An APT's purpose is not to destroy or interfere with files, but to take data as it comes in. Hackers conduct long-term attacks on computer systems to escape discovery and gather essential information.

Using Data Center & Cloud Infrastructure for Business

With data insecurity rates increasing daily, businesses need to use data centers and cloud infrastructure to curb the cyber-attack menace. Data centers ensure you get good data management with all infrastructure to lock out any threats. In the same way, the cloud assists in getting secure and unlimited storage of data. 

Businesses must take advantage of reliable data centers offering cloud services for data storage, management, and transfer. Telkom DWS through its brand neuCentrIX offers these cloud and data center services with adequate tech infrastructure for your business. Check out our website to learn more about our services. 

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