HomeArticleCloud Gaming Innovative Solution in 2022

21 January 2022

Cloud Gaming Innovative Solution in 2022

When people talk about the future of gaming, they tend to merely focus on the revenue potentials that the industry has. Given that the industry’s global market value reached almost $140 billion in 2020, understandably, people wish to know more about how much the industry can generate. But the future of gaming is bright not only because of its revenue potential. For the past few years, we’ve witnessed the development of gaming experience as found in VR popularity, AR potentials, AI enhancement, ultra-realistic graphics, and cloud gaming.

What is cloud gaming?

In case you’ve never heard of the term before, the phrase “cloud gaming” is pretty self-explanatory. It’s gaming, but it uses cloud technology. Cloud gaming works like streaming services, but instead of watching something, you’re playing a video game. All you need is a device with an internet connection to control the gameplay, while the game data is stored and processed in the cloud. In a way, cloud gaming is the ultimate experience of video gaming since you’re watching a game that you control.

Cloud gaming significantly differs from conventional methods of gaming because it doesn’t require a gamer to purchase and own a gaming device. By using cloud gaming services, a gamer can turn any internet-connected device into a gaming device. This is why cloud gaming can present benefits for low-spec gamers or gamers who simply do not have any gaming devices. With cloud gaming, a gamer can play AAA games without having high-end gaming hardware, allowing gaming experience to be distributed to more people. 

Cloud Gaming in 2022: Current Challenges

As the technology of cloud gaming is still in development, there are several obstacles that provide considerable challenges for players in the industry, especially ISPs and end users. ISPs need to brace themselves and improve their services to cater to the rising needs rising from cloud gaming demands. On the other hand, for end users, cloud gaming experience might not be optimized if the library is not updated. Some cloud gamers have complained that the cloud gaming service they subscribe to doesn’t have the games they want.

Even in 2022, the cloud gaming industry still also suffers from complaints due to high latency. As of 2022, cloud gaming platforms have not been capable of supporting multiplayer games, as the bandwidth required to run single players alone can be demanding for some parts of the world. Some cloud gaming platforms also do not provide the opportunity for end users to experience high-end games with great graphics, which prompt users to go back to conventional means of gaming, such as playing mobile games on their smartphones.

Cloud Gaming Innovation: GameQoo by Telkom DWS

To answer the current challenges faced by ISPs and cloud gamers, Telkom DWS presents GameQoo, a cloud gaming platform with a lot of competitive advantages. As of now, GameQoo has 100+ games, and the library is updated with new games every single month. GameQoo’s cloud gaming is available to be accessed anywhere. This means that gamers who subscribe to GameQoo services can game anytime and anywhere they want. At the same time, this creates opportunities for ISPs, as ISPs can market GameQoo for their clients from various backgrounds.

Additionally, GameQoo comes with other benefits. GameQoo’s cloud gaming is backed up by the most dedicated servers in Indonesia, minimizing latency to ensure the best gaming experience. Users also don’t need to download the games, as they can directly play from their devices. Last but not least, GameQoo’s library provides high-spec games that can be played using low-spec devices. These advantages create opportunities for Indonesian ISPs and users to experience the future of gaming, where it all happens on the cloud.

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