HomeArticleTestimonial: What our client says about neuCentrIX Data Center

29 November 2021

Testimonial: What our client says about neuCentrIX Data Center

In a world where data is everything, modern enterprises depend on IT solutions to manage their own data safely and easily. As data size and amount increase exponentially year by year, gone are the days where data was stored in bulks of hardware such as floppy disks, CDs, or even USB flash drives. Institutions have turned into cloud technology and its providers to manage their data. With such great demand for data management services, we have also witnessed the growth of data centers around the world.

Choosing a data center is easy, but finding a reliable one is difficult. A data center with poor performance can create unnecessary loss of revenues for businesses due to low connectivity. An unreliable data center can also prompt security issues where data breaches occur and give access to unauthorized users. To avoid such risks, your institution can rely on neuCentrIX, a dependable, high-quality, and secure data center. If you don’t believe our claim, you can listen to our clients, who have benefited from working with neuCentrIX services for years. 

Meet Mr. Yogi Samsuri, the General Director of PC24 Telekomunikasi Indonesia. As a telecommunication company, the business offers infrastructure for telecommunication networks, but also internet services and software development. With such extensive business areas, the telecommunication company could benefit from a reliable data center – and so it has. The company has been a client of neuCentrIX Jakarta, neuCentrIX Bandung, neuCentrIX Surabaya, neuCentrIX Medan, and neuCentriX Makassar.

Why did the company choose neuCentrIX?

The first reason why PC24 Telekomunikasi Indonesia chose neuCentrIX is because of the data center’s tier level. As a tier 3 data center, neuCentrIX’s features and performance surpass those of its tier 1 and tier 2 counterparts, resulting in minimum downtime and maximum uptime (99.982% - about less than 2 hours per year, according to technopedia.com). Secondly, neuCentrIX’s data centers have strategic locations as they are located in city centers. Last but not least, neuCentrIX is integrated into Telkom's national network of infrastructure.

How did neuCentrIX support the company?

According to Mr. Yogi Samsuri, neuCentrIX’s tier 3 quality has been providing reliable support for his company. The data center’s steady and ever-available power supply is complemented with a good UPS backup system and well-maintained room temperature of the data centers. For Mr. Yogi Samsuri, the reliability of neuCentrIX is also related to its integration with Telkom’s infrastructure services. The availability of NCIX service as a hub for network & content exchange also facilitated better interconnectivity with Telkom's other products and services.

How can neuCentrIX improve its services?

As a company which aims to expand connectivity, we always welcome feedback from our clients. Here, Mr. Yogi Samsuri also adds his thoughts and opinions on how neuCentrIX can provide better service for its clients. He advised that there should be an SOP for web-based portals so that neuCentrIX can improve its services. To facilitate customers who access the data center, he believes that there should be integration to other products and services offered by Telkom. 

What do we learn from the testimonial?

From Mr. Yogi Samsuri’s testimonial, we learn that ISPs and other institutions can benefit from a reliable data center such as neuCentrIX. Providing tier-3 quality, neuCentrIX data centers allow institutions to securely manage their data while receiving the great support of high amount of uptime, thanks to consistent power supply availability. Institutions in Indonesia can also benefit from neuCentrIX data centers as they are integrated to Telkom Group’s national network infrastructure. Such reliability provides convenience, support, and revenue for PC24 Telekomunikasi Indonesia and other esteemed clients of neuCentrIX.

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