neuCentriX Edge DC

Increase Business Potential with neuCentrIX: Safe & Integrated Data Center Solutions in Indonesia

OverviewneuCentrIX is a Neutral Carrier Data Center that can be connected to local networks or other operators, equipped with a large storage capacity and capable security system
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About neuCentrIX

Rapid digitalization in Indonesia is pushing the role of data centers to become increasingly essential as the infrastructure that underlies data-based digital sector operations for a business. To support the improvement of your business, neuCentrIX is the right solution because the it's designed with the best reliability to ensure your important needs .


Get to Know neuCentrIX

For the business sector, data centers play a key role in collecting, storing, and processing flowing data. Choosing a type of data center is crucial for business because it needs to pay attention to various aspects. The presence of neuCentrIX can help your business by ensuring its security, as well as expanding your digital ecosystem. NeuCentrix data centers are set up with optimal reliability, ensuring that your critical needs are met.

Connect Now with neuCentrIX Data Ecosystem

Neutral Carrier Data Center (neuCentrIX) Server is located across 12 locations in Indonesia, where content, connectivity, and end-users meet.

neuCentrIX Advantages


Power and reliability

neuCentrIX data centers are designed with the best power and reliability, to ensure that your business needs are well managed.



neuCentrIX offers a state-of-the-art level of security, supported by ISO 27001:2013 ISMS (Information Security Management System) certification, ensuring optimal protection of your business data and information.


Network & Connectivity

neuCentrIX has the capacity to connect through a variety of connections, both domestically and globally, ensuring smooth and integrated access to the wider network.



B2B interconnections available on neuCentrIX offer affordable availability and stability, creating mutually beneficial relationships between tenants and end users.


Content Delivery Network

neuCentrIX facilitates high-speed content distribution, offering the best performance in both local and global networks.

Benefits of neuCentrIX



Using neuCentrIX data center cloud services, enables companies to customize their IT resources.


Data Security 

ISO 27001:2013 ISMS (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi) Certified can protect corporate data from security threats 

Features of neuCentrIX



The colocation facility provides access to data centers, support facilities, add-ons services, and options for other licensed operators as connectors for content distributors.


Fastest Connectivity Service 

The service has the largest capacity connectivity in Indonesia's with direct connection to the global internet with premium quality. 


Content Delivery Network

This service accelerates this distributed cache fast, secure, and reliable for a better user experience.



An Internet exchange point allowing its participating members to connect to each other directly and exchange Internet traffic through peering to bring traffic across the Internet to them.


Smart Hand 

neuCentrIX provides remote control, setup, and troubleshooting assistance to ensure a simple and unhindered working process.


Customers in Needs

  • Enterprises: Disaster Resilience with Data Recovery and Special Platforms.
  • Cloud Services Provider: Today's business world prioritizes responsiveness and accuracy, with the help of many servers from neuCentrIX, Keep your company's operations with a high level of availability and minimal chance of error.
  • Content Provider 
  • Government 
  • ISP

NeuCentrix Location

At neuCentrIX, we strongly focus on providing both the small and big businesses of Indonesia with economically efficient top-tier data center services.
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Neucentrix Data Center Availibility

Our strength are in the infrastructure that is integrated with a 24/7 security system and is spread across several cities. The pie chart below provides information on the availability of our data center infrastructure
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